Washington DC police can arrest a woman in any area they’ve declared prostitution free zone. And in a backasswards move to curb prostitution, carrying more than two condoms is considered proof of intention to prostitute.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been lucky enough to date 3+ condom types. And even with one shot wonders, the fact is condoms break and you may need spares. A smart dater brings his or her own just to be safe. And to make sure you have the brand you like.
Since when is it the law that a chick can't carry more then two rubbers. What I do like is that this law only pertains to chicks. God knows I go through rubbers by the box, and when I'm in DC walking out of CVS with a box of condoms cops can't do shit to me. I don't know about you guys but I definitely plan on going to the Waffle House in DC area and sneaking 3 condoms into any potential hookers purse then calling 911
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