Daily Rhyme...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sheriff Finds $1 Million During Traffic Stop

MINNEOLA, Kan. - A Clark County undersheriff said he was just following his instincts when he found more than $1 million during a traffic stop.

Undersheriff Daniel Knowles stopped a vehicle last week on U.S. 54 just outside of Minneola and became suspicious of the driver.

Knowles searched the car and found a hidden compartment with the money packed inside. He said the money smelled like marijuana. The total amount was $1,017,183.
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Paperwork has been filed with the Clark County Attorney's office to begin the asset forfeiture process.

The Drug Enforcement Agency is helping to investigate the incident. The names of the people in the car have not been released.

Damn Police. Did this man commit a crime? If I was walking around with a million big ones I'd keep it in a secret compartment too. His money smelt like drugs, so what? When is it a crime to drive around with money. No drugs were found in his car. Whatever happened to the good old days when we could walk around with everything we owned in a satchel.

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