Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boy Faces court for Bee Sting Prank

JAKARTA (Reuters) – A prank has had serious repercussions for an Indonesian boy facing criminal charges because he caused a classmate to be stung by a bee, the Jakarta Post reported on Thursday.

The English-language daily reported that the third-grade student -- whose age was not given but who would be about seven or eight years old -- was being tried at the Surabaya District Court in East Java.

The boy was alleged to have stuck a bee on the cheek of a female classmate as they returned home from school in March last year, the paper said. Her father then filed a police report.

The prosecutor in the case said the boy was accused of violating the Indonesian Criminal Code by committing "severe abuse that led to an injury," the Jakarta Post reported.

The newspaper said this could result in a maximum penalty of a 32-month jail sentence.

The boy, whose name was not given, has not appeared in court because he is depressed and afraid, the paper said.
(Reporting by Pip Freebairn, Editing by Sunanda Creagh/Sara Webb and Ron Popeski)

Honestly, this kid should be hung and his family should be shot because i know one thing about bee stings and that's that my life goal is to never be stung by one. Ive made it almost 23 years without one and when i googled bee sting the images will haunt me in my sleep. So for this little shoe shining Indonesian to force a bee sting on somebody he should get the maximum punishment. I know if he pulled that stunt on me and ruined the only life goal i still have going strong since, I'm not able to set the world record of peanuts eaten in a minute and cant even hold my breath more than 30 seconds without dying or passing out, you better believe my new life goal would be to take his whole family to the cleaners and make this kid wish he was dead. So now that's cleared up, I'm sure the Indonesian court system knows how to handle this situation.

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