Daily Rhyme...

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Inside Scoop: Ben Watson Autograph Signing

Thats right, Ben Watson autograph signing is going to be happening in a few weeks. Now your all wondering where the did you get this info? Straight from the big man upstairs himself, Robert Kraft gave me a call this morning and gave the good news that Ben Watson would be signing autographs for the grand opening of the new Sprint store in Peabody. Here at Da Dirty we recieved this info before the Stool, Boston Globe, WEEI, and every other sports news program out there, why you ask? Cause Felix Fermin knows where to dig up his dirt. This is no Joke, Feb 10th Peabody Mass at the New Sprint Store, the Big Bad Ben Watson will be giving his John Hancock for all those fans of his. I expect there to be a line a mile long for this even since he is the new age Ben Coates.

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