Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rat Sangwhich

APPLETON, Wis. -- An Appleton woman who tried to extort money from an upscale restaurant by putting a rat in her lunch has entered no-contest pleas to two criminal charges. The Appleton Post-Crescent reported 43-year-old Debbie R. Miller was found guilty after she entered the pleas to a felony extortion charge and a misdemeanor for obstructing police.

Prosecutors said Miller planted the rat at The Seasons on April 17, 2008, and then demanded $500,000 from the owners. She threatened to alert the media.

Instead of paying, the owners turned the rat over to investigators for their insurance company. They determined it was a domestic rat that had been cooked in a microwave.

The restaurant doesn't use microwaves. Miller was arrested about three months later.

Sentencing is scheduled for March 8.

I'm gunna have to go out on a limb and call this lady one of the biggest idiots that has ever made Da Big Dirty. The lady goes to a restraunt orders food and then puts a rat in the food. I guess this could have worked if the people cooking her food were blind but its easy to spot a rat in your food. Its not like it's a hair in your food and you can't see, its a fucking rat, a 4 legged furry rodent. If your out to eat at a restraunt even mcdonalds, im sure they are going to realize an animal sitting in your lunch. Not to mention the lady throught it would a bing bang move. Put rat in food collect $500,000 done deal. Get a job or a better plan, your lazy Debbie and stupid.

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