Daily Rhyme...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sarah Palin is an Idiot: Creats Marmot Day for Alaska

JUNEAU, Alaska - Alaska now has its own version of Groundhog Day.

Then-Gov. Sarah Palin signed a bill last year to make every Feb. 2 Marmot Day in Alaska.

The bill was introduced by Sen. Linda Menard, a Wasilla Republican.
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Because groundhogs are not common in Alaska, Menard says it made sense for the marmot to become Alaska's version of Punxsutawney Phil, the Pennsylvania groundhog famed for his winter weather forecasts.

Menard's bill didn't give marmots any weather forecasting duties, but she hopes the state will create educational activities around the animal.

As I write this post in Boston, me and Scott Brown don't see any groundhogs running around. They are uncommon in Boston. Yet Scott Brown doesn't make it national rat day. Like seeerrioouussllyy, way to still Phils spotlight Palin. Go make a porn or something already. Also is there a point to marmot day if he has no prediction abilities. At least Phil can tell us the future.

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