Daily Rhyme...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Local Dirty Thought of the Day: Corrine DENIES Pauly D

I know we got a lot going on in this post but YES, YOU DID READ IT RIGHT! I know on Friday we told you we would bringing you a girl weekly, but you readers spoke up and demanded a girl daily. So what are we doing now we're bringing you LOCAL Dirty Thoughts of the Day!

Corrine is an alumni student form Plymouth State University. This girl is so good looking that when she attended Pauly D's Jersey Shore bash in Nashua she was personally asked to go to Pauly D's VIP access. So like anyone of you girls out there she went. What was the feedback, and what happened you ask?!

Absolutely Nothing. Now I know all you other girls woulda had your pantys around your ankles before he could offer you a drink, but this Local Dirty Thought was not impressed. Apparently Pauly didn't DJ and played a playlist creeping around all night. Also Pauly would not let her friends into VIP. Cmon Pauly call up Mike(the situation) to be your wing man for the night. Kudos to this classy chick as shes one of the few in New England who wouldn't be impressed by Pauly D. As always click more dirt on the article for more pictures


  1. Sorry to kill you're bigdirtybuzz but the Stool had you by 2 years on this one Beve--i know you know this too haha. (http://www.barstoolsports.com/randomthoughts/2008/05/19/?comments=7773). I respect the effort though, keep it up bro

  2. Senor we used all different pictures then barstool sports and had to post this girl due to the incredible Pauly D story, so go S a D and keep creeping back to 08
