Daily Rhyme...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Campaign to Save Bankers Job After He Looks at Model on Clocl

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SYDNEY - An online campaign has started to save the job of an Australian banker who became an Internet sensation after he was caught on live television viewing images of scantily clad supermodel Miranda Kerr on his computer.

The financial Web site "Here is the City News" http://news.hereisthecity.com/ has set up a "Save Dave" page that encourages readers to e-mail the public relations department of Macquarie Bank to save banker David Kiely's job.

The web campaign lists four reasons for Kiely to keep his job: he seems like a nice bloke; the photographs were not hardcore; he has suffered enough, and there's just too much political correctness in this world anyway.

So being the genius I am I saw this story at the beginning of the week, just didn't think it was blog worthy. But now that there is a group out to save this "blokes" job makes it blog worthy. How many horny Aussies there are living down under that would deal with switching banks just to help this guy out. Like I hope if I ever get caught looking at porn on the job i got millions backing me. Feel free to support this guy by going to the page.

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