Daily Rhyme...

Friday, February 5, 2010


We've gained a fan base this week at Plymouth State University. Thank you for our followers, greatly appreciated. Continue to spread the word. The way we continue to advertise is through local people our site features. As most of you now have realized each time we feature a local band or local girl we post it on their facebook. This is how the site continues to grow. Each week we will be featuring a "Local Flavor(Girl) of the Day" from different colleges to grow our fan base. On Saturdays we will run a week in review, and let you know where we will be heading next week.

On Sunday for the next week we will be headed to UNH.

Please send any nominations from UNH to tfbever@plymouth.edu GREATLY APPRECIATED.

The Week in Review













Once again a great Thanks to all the beautiful girls of Plymouth state University

England Soccer Fans Lost Car: IDIOTS

Two English football fans in Cologne lost their car after mistakenly thinking they had parked it on a road called 'One Way Street'.

The pair wrote down 'Einbahn Strasse' - which means one-way street in German - so they didn't forget where they'd left the hire car.

But when they came to find it again they found that every second street in the inner city was called 'Einbahn Strasse'.

It was only when they found a policeman that they were told the sign was to inform drivers that they were on a one-way street.

They finally managed to find their vehicle hours later with the help of the German police.

Picture going to a red-sox game, and you speak no english. You park on a street look at the sign and write down one-way. You come out of the game and notice every street says one-way. I mean this must have happened to all Dice-Ks jap fans right?

Mugger apologizes to old lady after mugging her, gives belongings back, still 2 years in jail

A gentleman mugger has been jailed despite his elderly victim's pleas for him to be let off because he was so polite.

The pensioner told the court in Salzburg, Austria, that she had not come across such a well mannered criminal for a long time.

The man grabbed the old woman's bag and ran off but returned when he noticed she had fallen to the ground.

"When he saw me fall, he came back. Criminals just don't do that any more," she said.

"He was very neat and well mannered and asked me not to report him. He said he was really sorry, but was just desperate for money," she told the court.

The 27-year-old, who has not been named, then helped his victim search for her keys which had fallen out when he grabbed the bag.

Police arrested the well mannered mugger after being called out by a passer-by who had witnessed the incident.

He was jailed for two-and-a-half years despite the pensioner's testimony after it was revealed it was not his first offence.

This old hag has easily been robbed and raped at least 5 times in her life. No one after getting mugged calls the guy nice. I dont care if you pay me. I'm calling 911. I love how Austria takes no justice on this guy. Helps the lady up gives her everything back and gets 2 1/2 years in the slammer. In America you can be like Donte Stallworth run over a man kill him and get thirty days in the slammer. and people wonder why America has such high violence rates.

Defendant hurled slipper at judge

An Indian man allegedly hurled a slipper at a court judge who promptly threw a paperweight back in reply.

Nazir Mohammad was in court in Baroda on charges of housebreaking and theft when he jumped out of the witness box and rushed towards the judge.

The robber, reportedly irritated with the slow pace of the case, took off his slipper and threw it at Chief judicial magistrate C D Vaghela.

Judge Vaghela immediately picked up a paperweight from his desk and threw it back at the accused, reports Midday.

Mohammed, who attacked two other judges last year in similar fashion, has been sent back to prison with an extra offence registered against him.

Members of the Baroda Bar Association went on strike after the incident to protest at the lack of security for judges, lawyers and witnesses.

Who wears slippers to court? Like if your going to wear slippers may as well wear steel toed boots. Now those will do some damage. How come this judge isn't in trouble? Since when can judges throw stuff at defendants? Like oh I got hit with a slipper I'll throw this brick at your dome. Gotta love the law

Dirty Thought of the Day: Lucy Liu

Well since I was making and still am in the process of harassing the Asians this weekend, I decided to put up this beauty to proove to them I'm not racist. When pictures go up on Monday all you Asians can come back to this.

Man learns to tell 'pigs' from cops

Man learns to tell 'pigs' from cops

A New Zealand man who called police officers 'pigs' has been ordered to spend a day at a pig farm.

The 22-year-old has also been ordered to write an essay about the difference between pigs and police officers.

The man was charged with using offensive language after he hurled abuse at police during a trip to Auckland.

Community Magistrate Robyn Paterson at Tauranga District Court ordered him to spend a day at a pig farm and present a short essay on his experiences, reports The Bay of Plenty Times.

According to the newspaper, he wrote: "I was very, very drunk. I have stopped drinking because of what happened. I have wasted the police's time and my time."

He maintained the word pig could be found in the Oxford dictionary and was often used to describe police.

But added he had learned 'that there is nothing at all in common with a pig and an officer'.

Well if it isn't Malaysians being ordered to give the village buffaloes and pigs as punishment for a crime(Click Here) its New Zealanders getting ordered to spend time at a pig farm so they can tell the difference between cops and pigs. Now buddy we all know obviously you were very very drunk, shit happens. We all call cops pigs. If they dont like it stop eating 45 doughnuts a day. Also do something dont just mosey around. THEN i wont call you pigs.

Hostage released for pizza

An Australian prison guard held hostage for two days was released after a ransom demand for pizzas was met.

Up to 20 inmates at the Risdon Prison in Hobart, Tasmania, seized the guard in a protest over conditions in the maximum security jail.

Initially they made 24 demands to authorities, but eventually gave up their hostage after agreeing to 15 pizzas, Coke and garlic bread instead.

"At midnight, the final sticking point with the inmates was that they were requiring pizzas to be delivered. Our staff member was negotiated out with the delivery of 15 pizzas," Graeme Barber, Tasmania's director of prisons, told The Advocate newspaper.

The guard is recovering from his ordeal at home.

I mean C'monn I'm as hungry as the next guy, but did they really give in after two days for 15 pizzas. And since when do people give into demands in hostage situations. Like where was Jack Bauer here to say we never negotiate with terrorists. You think after they got fifteen pizzas they would have demanded more. not just gave him over immediately. Also since when do security guards not carry guns? Like if I was this guard I'd be tazing, and shooting everyone who got in a ten foot radius of me. I would never allow prisoners to kidnap me

Final Foxwoods List of Things for me to do: Come Back Monday to See Pictures

As you all earlier know by now I will be completing a list of 20 CRAZY things provided to me by you the readers. See previous article HERE

So Far you readers have done a piss-poor job of speaking up but we do have a list of four things with sixteen more to be completed

1) Get the casinos attention before proposing to a complete stranger, When she says no get physically upset and tell her shes been the best five years of my life

2)Kiss a grandmother on the lips

3)Where THIS HAT and sit down at a table of Asians, only if hat is provided to me

4)Shave my head

5)Take my pants off and go in a fountain in my boxers

6)Three minute rain dance in the middle of the casino

7)Throw down a couple of bills in monopoly money at black jack table

8)500 on red

9)Get a picture taken with 5 different people wearing a suit telling them i'm running for 2014 governor seat

10)Find a stranger to chug beer for beer. First to stop drinking loses

11)Before Shaving my head, Rock the Costanza

12)Introduce myself at the poker tables as T-Masta B an up and coming rap artist.

If people request up to 11 more Legal, semi legal things they will be completed. You have until 4 oclock today to request.

PLEASE NOTE: cameras are not allowed at the tables.
For #8) I will show you a picture of a $500 chip before and then either two or zero $500 chips after
For #7) I will take a picture of the monopoly money before sitting down at the table, and will report the story
For #3) This will only be completed if hat is provided

Other then that all is fair game and keep suggesting

Local Flavor of the Day: Ashley

Well its Friday and we're wrapping up the week here at Da Big Dirty, and getting ready to have what is sure to be an epic weekend down at Foxwoods. Ashley is a Plymouth State Alumni Student, and there's not a more beautiful girl to lead you into the weekend. Its been a crazy week of Plymouth girls and we'll be headed to UNH next week so be sure to follow us, as we are quickly becoming everyone's favorite site.

As always click on "More Dirt on the article" for more pictures

Pet owner killed by dogs after saving them from death

LJUBLJANA (Reuters) – A Slovenian who saved his three dogs from being put down for attacking humans was himself mauled to death by them, police said Wednesday.

"Three dogs bit their 52-year-old owner to death in Ljubljana yesterday," police spokeswoman Maja Adlesic said.

Four years ago, the three bullmastiffs attacked and seriously injured a passer-by outside their owner's house. They spent years in custody pending legal hearings, but when one of them attacked a dog handler, authorities ordered them to be put down.

Their owner, a doctor, succeeded last June in his legal appeals to get the dogs back, sparking a national controversy. After his death, an opposition party said the agriculture minister should resign for failing to stop the dogs from being released.

The dogs attacked the man in his garden Tuesday, killing him before the police arrived. All three dogs were put down following the attack.

Well I hate to tell you I told you so, but I told you so. What are these dogs wolves?! These dogs could kick the shit out of anything Vick put up against them

Blue Balls Festival

"Where I won't be attending this weekend"

Supermarket Bans Shoopers in Pajamas

News-A Tesco store has asked customers not to shop in their pyjamas or barefoot.

Notices have been put up in the chain's supermarket in St Mellons in Cardiff saying: "Footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted."

A spokesman said Tesco did not have a strict dress code but it did not want people shopping in their nightwear in case it offended other customers.

He said he was not aware of any other Tesco stores having to put up similar signs.

Elaine Carmody was refused service at the Tesco store for wearing pyjamas

The signs are placed at the entrance to the store, on the city's outskirts.

They read: "To avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted)."

Would Elaine Carmody get dressed already. Unless your a hot chick wearing lingerie I don't want to see you in night ware. Like I saw enough of that in college at my 8am classes. Ladies get dressed look classy and let me hot on you at grocery stores. I'm offended to shop at a place with all you scrubs there. As far as them having to implement a rule about shoes, doesn't this go without saying? Like its not the beach its a supermarket. I dont want peoples gangly ass feet anywhere near my food. Some people!

P.S. Every chick in picture WOULD NOT be turned away

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Claims Survivor Saved Her Life

Long-time 'Survivor' (Thurs., 8PM ET on CBS) fans know that Elisabeth Hasselbeck appeared on the show in season two, back in 2001 when she was Elisabeth Filarski. But that's a very different person from the one we see on 'The View' (weekdays, 11AM ET on ABC). Back then, Hasselbeck was a 23-year-old shoe designer for Puma, and actually had an undiagnosed medical condition. "It's ironic, because I had to go to the Australian outback and literally starve to actually start feeling better, and realize that all my symptoms prior to 'Survivor' were undiagnosed Celiac disease," she said. "'Survivor,' though it almost killed me, ended up truly saving my life."

We all remember this hot chick from when Survivor was good. But did survivor really save her life. Like i'm glad you got diagnosed, I am. BUT Celiac is not a deadly disease! Like big deal cry me a river you pooped a lot when you ate glouten and now you dont. You weren't dying, cry me a river. And if you were feeling better you should have won the million.

13 year old commits to USC Number one recruit

ESPN-Lane Kiffin really is getting a jump on recruiting.

No sooner had the Trojans new coach put the finishing touches on the Class of 2010 recruits, that he turned his attention to the Class of 2015.

That's right, 2015.

Thursday evening Kiffin received a verbal commitment from 13-year old wunderkind quarterback David Sills of Bear, Del.

Too young?

Not according to his personal coach Steve Clarkson, who has mentored some of the game's best quarterbacks including current USC starter Matt Barkley.

"His skill set is off the chart," Clarkson said. "I've never seen anyone at his age do what he's been able to do."

Well where can I bet on USC to win the 2015 National Championship?! I mean this kid has to be ridiculously good right? Wait a second here....When I was 13 I was a BEASSTT. Where was Lane Kififn. As lil boys were still hititng puberty I was a 5'10 GIANT on the field when I was 11. My only question this kids 6 feet in middle school and a quarterback. Wouldn't it be logical to put him as receiver and just do the Randy Moss leap over little boys. Like anyone could throw it to this giant right?!

KUDOS to Bryan for the Story

Dirty Thought of the Day: Elin Nordegren

By now if you don't know who Elin Nordegren is you clearly do not have a TV and have not left home. The reason we are all currently having dirty thoughts about this blonde beauty,is that she would currently screw anything. She is just craving to say a big FU to Tiger. I mean ya she'd take your picture and send it to him for sure, but this is something me or any other man out there would be willing to settle with.

Good News Chicks Nobody Kate Gosselin is going to be back on TV

Just when you thought you'd seen the last of her, reality TV staple Kate Gosselin is returning to the small screen this March. US Weekly reports that the busy mom will be reprising a guest host spot over at 'The View,' along with a new TLC reality show-- this time without the kids.

Kate, who will start on The View on March 11, last appeared on the show in September of 2009 during the height of divorce proceedings with her then estranged husband.

As for the new TLC gig, we're told it will debut later this year with cameras following Kate "trying different jobs and tasks and showing how she performs in different environments."

Though public reception towards the mother of 8 has been polarizing to say the least, we're just excited to see those new hair extensions in full HD glory.

Honestly, who cares? Like she was bad enough at being a mom do we need to watch her fail doing other jobs. I mean god knows everyone watches but like get over it already. Classic example of someone trying to keep on living in their 15 minutes of fame

Slutty College Girls Have Loud Sex

Perhaps the complaints about late-night noise at an all-women Cambridge college related to the sound of papers rustling as undergraduates studied round-the-clock.

But when an email went out to students at Newnham College asking them to be “discreet in your activities” after dark, most understood it to refer to noise of a more amorous nature.

Yesterday, young women at the college, which was founded in 1871, admitted to having blushed as they read the message, which followed claims that Newnham had gained a reputation for being “slutty”.

Lizzy Cole, the college’s undergraduate president, sent the email to all 400 residents after the student union received 30 complaints about noise in the student halls.

“I’d just like to politely remind everyone that Newnham corridors funnel sound and walls are very thin in some buildings,” it read. “Therefore, please remember to be discrete (sic) in your activities, especially during late/early hours of the day.”

Some girls said they had been horrified to think that fellow students may have heard them with their boyfriends. One Newnham undergraduate, 20, said: “It’s just so embarrassing to think that people have been listening in. I was blushing when I got the email. You try to keep it down, but it’s easy to forget the walls are so thin if you get a bit carried away.

Has Cambridge really had a college since 1871? Now let me be the first to tell you, when your pissed at your roomate you go at it with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Its a way to say FU be jealous. When your being loud, you know your being loud and if people six doors down are complaining about you you know its a little bit excessive. If you want these sluts to quiet down allow boys into the school. Most of them haven't received it in a while so when they do they're going to go at it. Its human nature.


As you all earlier know by now I will be completing a list of 20 CRAZY things provided to me by you the readers. See previous article HERE

So Far you readers have done a piss-poor job of speaking up but we do have a list of four things with sixteen more to be completed

1) Get the casinos attention before proposing to a complete stranger, When she says no get physically upset and tell her shes been the best five years of my life

2)Kiss a grandmother on the lips

3)Where THIS HAT and sit down at a table of Asians, only if hat is provided to me

4)Shave my head

5)Take my pants off and go in a fountain in my boxers

6)Three minute rain dance in the middle of the casino

7)Throw down a couple of bills in monopoly money at black jack table

8)500 on red

9)Get a picture taken with 5 different people wearing a suit telling them im running for 2014 governor seat

If people request up to 11 more Legal, semi legal things they will be completed. You have until 4 oclock today to request.

PLEASE NOTE: cameras are not allowed at the tables.
For #8) I will show you a picture of a $500 chip before and then either two or zero $500 chips after
For #7) I will take a picture of the monopoly money before sitting down at the table, and will report the story
For #3) This will only be completed if hat is provided

Other then that all is fair game and keep suggesting

REMINDER Martina Mcbride and Trace Adkins ONSALE at 10am Today

Martina Mcbride and Trace Adkins Sunday 03/14/10 Verizon Wireless Arena Manchester NH

Onsale Begins at 10am

REMINDER Michael Buble ONSALE 10am Today

Michael Buble Friday 07/02/10 Uncasville CT Mohegan Sun Arena

Michael Buble Saturday 07/03/10 Uncasville CT Mohegan Sun Arena



Onsale 10 AM Country Megaticket

Sunday 05/23/10 Comcast Theatre Hartford CT

Line Up Includes

Daughtry and Lifehouse Presale Password for Amherst Ma, Portland Me, Manchester NH,


Thursday 06/17/10 Cumberland County Civic Center Portland Me
Fanclub password=President
Venue Password=Life

Monday 06/14/10 Mullins Center Amherst Ma
Fanclub password=President
Venue Password=Life

Friday 02/05/10 Verizon Wireless Arena Manchester NH
Fanclub password=President
Venue Password=Life

New Kids On the Block Presale Password

Show Info:
Firiday 5/21 MGM Grand at Foxwoods Mashuntucket CT

Presale Password : AXPGOLD


Campaign to Save Bankers Job After He Looks at Model on Clocl

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

SYDNEY - An online campaign has started to save the job of an Australian banker who became an Internet sensation after he was caught on live television viewing images of scantily clad supermodel Miranda Kerr on his computer.

The financial Web site "Here is the City News" http://news.hereisthecity.com/ has set up a "Save Dave" page that encourages readers to e-mail the public relations department of Macquarie Bank to save banker David Kiely's job.

The web campaign lists four reasons for Kiely to keep his job: he seems like a nice bloke; the photographs were not hardcore; he has suffered enough, and there's just too much political correctness in this world anyway.

So being the genius I am I saw this story at the beginning of the week, just didn't think it was blog worthy. But now that there is a group out to save this "blokes" job makes it blog worthy. How many horny Aussies there are living down under that would deal with switching banks just to help this guy out. Like I hope if I ever get caught looking at porn on the job i got millions backing me. Feel free to support this guy by going to the page.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Songs You Ought to Know

Robert Randolph and the Family Band: The March

Its nice to see someone put some craft into music nowadays. Every hit song is written by a writer to be performed by the next pre-determined big thing. Then "sung" through a computer over computer generated beats. So that being said, Felix and I regularly do the March to celebrate. RRFB is also one of the top 5 bands I've ever seen live in this universe and others (Ive seen a few hundred easily and been to several different universe).

Local Flavor of the Day: Amanda

Yes, you read it right, we have switched "Local Dirty Tought of the Day" to "Local Flavor of the Day"

Well there is three reasons to be happy today. For anyone who has a job 80% of companies pay-day is Thursday. The second reason is that we're featuring Amanda. Amanda is a beautiful Plymouth state student. The third reason is that it is "Thirsty Thursday" So for all those college students out there drink up, get wreck less, and hopefully you'll run into Amanda tonight.

As always click "more dirt on the article for more pictures"