As you all earlier know by now I will be completing a list of 20 CRAZY things provided to me by you the readers. See previous article HERE
So Far you readers have done a piss-poor job of speaking up but we do have a list of four things with sixteen more to be completed
1) Get the casinos attention before proposing to a complete stranger, When she says no get physically upset and tell her shes been the best five years of my life
2)Kiss a grandmother on the lips
3)Where THIS HAT and sit down at a table of Asians, only if hat is provided to me
4)Shave my head
5)Take my pants off and go in a fountain in my boxers
6)Three minute rain dance in the middle of the casino
7)Throw down a couple of bills in monopoly money at black jack table
8)500 on red
9)Get a picture taken with 5 different people wearing a suit telling them i'm running for 2014 governor seat
10)Find a stranger to chug beer for beer. First to stop drinking loses
11)Before Shaving my head, Rock the Costanza
12)Introduce myself at the poker tables as T-Masta B an up and coming rap artist.
If people request up to 11 more Legal, semi legal things they will be completed. You have until 4 oclock today to request.
PLEASE NOTE: cameras are not allowed at the tables.
For #8) I will show you a picture of a $500 chip before and then either two or zero $500 chips after
For #7) I will take a picture of the monopoly money before sitting down at the table, and will report the story
For #3) This will only be completed if hat is provided
Other then that all is fair game and keep suggesting