Cumbria-Of course, if your next-door neighbour won the Lottery once, you would, hopefully, congratulate them on their good fortune.
If they won it twice, you would no doubt seethe with envy, but accept that you live in a world where lightning does occasionally strike twice.
But after the party to celebrate their third jackpot got underway, you would start to get suspicious and tell the police to check their garden for a forging machine.
double yolk
Shelling out: Fiona Exon's six double-yolk eggs
So it is no surprise that when the Daily Mail reported yesterday that a woman in Cumbria discovered a box containing six double-yolked eggs, it got the nation talking.
For the calculated odds of such an event happening are one quintillion to one against. (A quintillion is a million million million.)
How do we come to this figure? Because only one in every 1,000 eggs produced in this country is double-yolked, so the chances against getting six in a row are 1,000 to the power of six - or one quintillion.
Let me be the first to ruin this authors dreams. Does he really say this has the nation talking?! Now if i go 12/12 on double yolkers what am I doing with them? Making more cakes not calling news six to tell them of my one in quintillion odds. Also let me be the first to call BULLS**T on this lady. Who buys a carton of six eggs. She EASILY bought a carton of 12, cracked 12, through away six shells then called the news right? Because if she is telling the truth god knows she would have just bought powerball, megabucks, and scratch tickets until she couldnt scratch any more
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