Last night I was up in Portsmouth NH, enjoying the bar scene. As the night winds down and the bars close I wasn't ready to call it a night yet. So I knew of this party that was going on over at UNH. I decide to take a cab there. Of course being in NH the cabs do not come to the bars when they close so we call one. Company one...its going to be about an hour wait, and $35-$40. Are you fucking serious?! It's zero degrees the bars just closed and your telling me I got to wait an hour. So I say send it, i'll be here. Now we all know there's no chance I'm waiting an hour so I call Company 2. They tell me its a 45 minute wait, and $40. Is this taxi coming from Portland I ask? Meanwhile I'm still freezing. Anyways I tell him to send it. Still knowing there is no chance I will be there in 45 minutes. Me and my buddy decide to walk to a more crowded intersection, hoping we can find a cab. As we're walking I see a cab driving down the road. In my drunken stupor I leap out in front of the cab flagging him down. We hop in and tell him we're going to UNH expecting to pay $40. I tell this guy I got a blog and I'd hook him up if he hooked me up. So we ended up giving him 20 bucks. Guys the shit give him a call when your out in the Seacoast Area, tell him Da Big Dirty sent you and he'll hook you up.
NH Checker Cab Co
Jose Nunez
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