Daily Rhyme...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

UPDATE: 20 Ridiculous Things I will be Performing at Foxwoods This Weekend w/ Photo Proof

As you all earlier know by now I will be completing a list of 20 CRAZY things provided to me by you the readers. See previous article HERE

So Far you readers have done a piss-poor job of speaking up but we do have a list of four things with sixteen more to be completed

1) Get the casinos attention before proposing to a complete stranger, When she says no get physically upset and tell her shes been the best five years of my life

2)Kiss a grandmother on the lips

3)Where THIS HAT and sit down at a table of Asians

4)Shave my head

All four of these WILL be completed with proof. Keep submitting, there is room for 16 more things!


  1. strip down to your boxers and go swiming in a fountin

  2. 3 minute rain dance with a nice indian chant in the middle of the casino

  3. throw down a couple of bills in monopoly money at a blackjack table

  4. watch out for grandmas, they can be real hoes
