So earlier today Da Big Dirty, came out with a story about how Lame Pauly D got turned down by a girl who was even out of his league. Nice try Pauly. Since Da Big Dirty, is still in its first weel of operation, as an advertising scheme we posted this story on every jersey shore facebook group and Pauly D site. What happens?! As expected, we BLOW UP! Now I was expecting it woul have been guido bros seeing how hot the girl was who turned down Pauly, but NO! We got blown up by all these Jersey whores. They were calling out Local Dirty Thought ugly, telling her that she was jealous she couldn't hook up with Pauly D and calling her "beat"
Well hate to break it you Jersey Hippos, send me a pic and we'll see whose beat. As you sit around creeping through Jersey Shore message boards fingerblasting yourself to paparazzi pics of Pauly D this chick was there, met him in the flesh, and WASN'T impressed. You all were the "whores" I referred to in the earlier entry who would drop your panties to your ankles before you got in the same room as PAuly. So all you Jersey Hippos, grenades, elephants, grenade launchers, and other farm animals please enjoy your dirty shore, and watching reruns of Pauly D's fist pumps at mtv.com
You all are the reason we refer to you up here as the "jersey whores"
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