PHOENIX - An Arizona school principal who penned a sarcastic letter that chided parents for children who were either "too lazy or too stupid" to complete their assignments in class was suspended after the missive was mistakenly sent home.
"The math we do is really easy," said the letter from Litchfield Elementary School principal Ron Sterr. "If your child is either too lazy or too stupid to finish it in class, I'm sending it home so that you can work with them and judge for yourself whether it is laziness or idiocy that inhibits your child's progress."
Ron Sterr has called each parent individually to apologize and take responsibility, the Litchfield school district said.
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The letter sent home Jan. 26 with second graders also contained passages about students with peanut allergies and emotional problems stemming from puppy deaths.
Sterr said Tuesday that he wrote the joke letter in response to caustic comments made by "an individual" and a teacher accidentally sent it home. In an interview with The Associated Press, Sterr said nothing in the letter represents his views toward children and that he openly opposes those views.
"The purpose of the letter was to mock those views and point out how ludicrous they are," Sterr said. "I have always loved the kids, and I believe they know it. For anyone to assume that I have those kinds of views is uninformed."
So he called your kid stupid, big deal get over it. Kids are lazy we all know it. I'd rather be playing my xbox then doing math problems too. I like how he doesn't only call out kids for being dumb and lazy but continues to make fun of kids with emotional problems, and allergies. Like "ohhh lil johnnys dad died, what a lil pus." I love how he tries to defend himself here, and say it isn't his views. Like buddy you just attacked every kid in your school at least admit now you hate kids.
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