Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Woman Shows Up for Conjugal Visit 3 Times Over Legal Limit

BUNNELL, Fla. - A woman was charged with driving under the influence after showing up at the Flagler County jail and demanding a conjugal visit with a specific inmate. The sheriff's office reports that a 45-year-old woman had a visitation appointment but was turned away because she was late. Also, the jail does not allow conjugal visits.

The woman drove away but reportedly returned a short time later. Jail guards called road patrol, because they suspected the woman had been drinking.

Deputies found the woman sitting in her car. She reportedly failed a field sobriety test, and a breath test showed her blood-alcohol content was 0.256 percent. Florida law considers a person impaired at 0.08.

I like how the jail says she had a visitation appointment but they do not allow conjugal visits.  Poor Girl.  She obviously knew she was about to screw a murderer.  If I knew that going in I'd be three times over the legal limit to before it happened.  Like who wants to screw a felon sober?!  Also conjugal visits are probably one of my favorite things on earth.  I have seriously considered robbing a bank and going to jail just so I can get the privilege of conjugal visits.  Like now to get laid I got to wine and dine a girl, put up with all the annoying crap then wake up next to them in the morning and put up with all the B.S. again.  What I would give to have a chick swing by "do my business" and have her go on her way.  You wouldn't even need to talk to her.  Inmates got the life!

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