Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Legal Marajuana...For Now

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - There may be nothing like the real thing, but some industrious marijuana users have seized on an obscure but easily accessible substance that mimics the drug's effects on the brain —creating a popular trade in legal dope that has stymied law enforcement authorities.

The users are buying a product known as K2 — or "Spice," Genie" and "Zohai" — that is commonly sold in headshops as incense. Produced in China and Korea, the mixture of herbs and spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Users roll it up in joints or inhale it from pipes, just like the real thing.

Though banned in most of Europe, K2's key ingredients are not regulated in the United States — a gap that has prompted lawmakers in Missouri and Kansas to consider new legislation.

"This isn't Jerry Garcia's marijuana," said state Rep. Jeff Roorda, a Democrat from the eastern Missouri town of Barnhart. "They've used chemicals to avoid creating something that's already illegal."
Authorities in Johnson County, Kan., discovered ex-convicts on probation smoking K2, and said it is spreading to high school students.

"This has become extremely popular," said Linda Weber, owner of The Vise smoke shop in the St. Louis suburb of St. Peters, who said she only sells to adults.

What I get out of this article is STOCK UP NOW.  We all know this is going to be illegal within months so we may as well buy all we can get our hands on now.  When this stuff goes illegal and you have tons you'll be able to sell it for three times the price, sounds like a good business to me.  I do not have any actual facts or evidence to support this but I'm willing to bet it is a lot healthier to smoke marijuana then smoke K2 with chemicals.  Just another reason we should legalize.

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