Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pilot Crashes Plane into Building Due to IRS Dispute

AUSTIN, Texas (Feb. 18) -- A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees on Thursday, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.

A U.S. law official identified the pilot as Joseph Stack and said investigators were looking at an anti-government message on the Web linked to him. The Web site outlines problems with the IRS and says violence "is the only answer."

Federal law enforcement officials have said they were investigating whether the pilot, who is presumed to have died in the crash, slammed into the Austin building on purpose in an effort to blow up IRS offices. All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

"Violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer," the long note on Stack's Web site reads, citing past problems with the tax-collecting agency.

This man is my HERO. I always got the IRS on my ass for not claiming something or writing off to much. Like I sit here and blog daily I've made about 2 bucks off the ads on this site and here comes the IRS looking to collect. Like if I could fly a plane damn right I'd crash it into their building. I'd also crash a plan into the building of the people who give out parking tickets.

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