GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. - A pot-smoking parolee in Colorado faces criminal charges for allegedly offering a cash bribe to try to pass a drug test. Police said a 34-year-old man tried Jan. 3 to bribe a state worker to allow him to use a device called a "Whizzinator" to pass a drug test he had to take while on parole. The man allegedly said he had a medical marijuana card, though officials couldn't confirm whether that was true.
Colorado's medical marijuana law allows convicted criminals to get cards, but those on parole still must pass drug tests. State lawmakers are currently weighing new marijuana rules that would prevent people on parole from having the cards.
Prosecutors said the man offered a state worker $300 after the worker found him with the "Whizzinator," a device of tubing and heater packs attached to a prosthetic penis sold to cheat drug tests.
Is this story really on every news channel?! Like seriously c'mon, I could see if this guy was running for senate, but he's out on parole in Colorado. We all know Mary-J is legal to have in Denver, so whats the big deal. We've all smoked at one point or another and all felt this guys pain. Whats shocking here is the doctor didn't take the bribe. When he says no to 300 and your on parole, you pont up offer him a grand and you'll be good for sure.
I see a couple problems with this "whizzinator" First of all if your a chick and whip out a cock, immediate red flag. What about if your nurse is smoking hot, and you pop a chubby then you got a boner and this fake synthetic penis. Just a real problem causer.
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