MOBILE, Ala. -- "You've been to jail 97 times?" the reporter inquired on a recent morning.
"Oh, probably more than that, ma'am," replied the man on the other end of the line, William Bradley Bankston.
In fact, the 47-year-old has been booked into Mobile County Metro Jail on freshly filed charges more times than anyone else in the modern era of record-keeping there.
He's passed through the Canal Street jail on at least 97 occasions in 29 years. At least three-quarters if those bookings followed drinking bouts and public displays of drunkenness, records reflect.
The conversation with Bankston concluded something of a quest for the Press-Register, which began analyzing jail data late last year to discover who'd been in and out the most times.
Bankston kept the jail doors spinning because, by his own admission, he has a history of drinking and making scenes.
"I used to be real wild when I drank," Bankston said.
Eight years ago, a sheriff's deputy spotted Bankston on McLeod Road swinging a baseball bat at passing cars, threatening them with drunken force as they whizzed past his home.
When the deputy caught up to Bankston, he was cursing to himself, a nearly empty bottle of "Irish Rose" wine and the bat at his side, according to the crime report.
Bankston served 90 days in jail after he was found guilty of disorderly conduct and public intoxication, records show.
A year later, in 2003, Bankston came home in a drunken daze on an August night and shoved his father, according to another deputy's account.
* At least 76 public intoxication charges
* Disorderly conduct
* Domestic violence
* Harassment
* Driving under the influence
* False reporting to an officer
* Driving with a suspended license
* Third-degree assault
* Third-degree criminal trespassing
* Loitering
* Resisting arrest
* Pedestrian under the influence
Hands down favorite article I've ever seen. This guy is a legend. He is my new idol. The number of times people have told me I had a drinking problem is endless. From now on I'm just going to tell people I could be worse I could be William Brady Bankston. I like how he says "I used to be real wild when I drank." Apparently you still are buddy. My friends and I like to consider ourselves reckless when we go out. I've been arrested twice 96 more times to go to surpass my legend.
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