Daily Rhyme...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

$$Ka-CHING$$ Pick of the Day: Follow me to Riches


Kobes back vs a weaker Western Conference opponent.   The Grizzlies have been 3-7 in their last ten however did squeeze by the Lakers back on new years day.  Bet the house on the Lakers!!

The Pick: Lakers -5.5
The Bet: 705.08 to win 640.98

My name Wah-Lay!

Check this shit out, it's sick.

My man Wale giving you a little video about what he's all about.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Guess Those Nips


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Guess Those Nips


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Typical BC

BC would beat UNC this year. Beat a storied program having one of their worst season in recent memory.

Can't wait to hear all the BC fans try to justify this as a big win.


Guess Those Nips


Friday, February 19, 2010

Local Flavor of the Day: Kortnee

Well another big bet on the Cetics, so I dug through my list of recommendations, for this final day at SNHU, and who do I come across?  BAM! Kortnee a grad student at SNHU.  Shes a babe wearing the Celtics green, so there isn't much better there could be to take you into the weekend. As always click more dirt on the article for more pictures.

New to Da Big Dirty, want to know what we're all abut? Want to know what Local Flavor of the Day is Click Here

Please send all reccomendations for future Local Flavors of the Day to Da Big Dirty

Guess Those Nips


The Only Question That Should Be Asked

So Tiger Woods wouldn't take questions today from the media after his press conference because he knew the one question that should be asked wouldn't.

That question: How the fuck were you able to party all night and bang a ton of sluts and then go out and be the best golfer ever on a consistent basis?

Forget the car accident, the cheating on his wife, and being a terrible father. That doesn't even matter to me.

What matters is: how can a human being accomplish what he accomplished while being a drunk and a sex addict?

I mean, if you think anyone besides Tiger Woods could pull this off, ask how John Daly made out when he tried.

All this did was build Tiger's legend. It solidifies him as not only the best golfer ever, but the best athlete with the most natural ability to ever set foot on the planet.

The Duck Song

Something for you clowns to enjoy. Quite possibly could be one of the dumbest videos to ever make you laugh.

$$KA-CHING$$ Pick of the Day


We'll if everyone wants to go ahead and continue to ride me to riches, by all means.  So all day long I've heard Celtics are going to be tired tonight, last night was a statement game, they're old, Tony Allens hurts, we have no backup guard, Brandon Roy's back.
Well I'm SICK OF IT.  Ya Garnetts knees are worse then Charles Barkelys I get it.  Luckily for us he got in foul trouble last night.  He played 26 minutes all game.  Expect him to play at least 38 tonight. Granted he will be sweating profusely from the tip this mammoth will be a dominant force tonight.  Also luckily for us Tony allen got injured last night, all this means is either A) Nate Robinson will be playing street ball point guard if he passes physical dropping mad buckets, or B)Rajon Rondo plays 40+ minutes running the point which are both good things.  When did we fall apart last night?  WHEN ALL OUR STARTERS WERE BENCHED!  Due to the lack of point guards tonight, when Rondo does need a rest, Pierce or Allen will be on the floor bringing the ball up the court, or ocasionally Marquis Daniels.  Also Sheed went 1/20 last night.  Dude was PISSED!  So whats he do today, hits the gym finds his shot.  So Portland better watch out.

Also yes Brandon Roy has decided to play, big deal.  I honestly don't give a rip.  Hes currently out of shape don't expect him to get more then 28 minutes.  His shots off and so is his game, with him having the possibility of seriously injuring his hamstring.  

The Celtics are 9-0 in their last 9 games with Portland.  Granted when we did play them earlier this year at the Garden they did take us to overtime.  Gorilla Dick Oden is out too(typical of his career).  Accuse Garnett of being old a little bit more Portland fans.  You traded for Marcus Camby. 

MARK MY WORDS-Marquis Daniels is the only thing that scares me in this game

The Pick: Bet the House on the Celtics at +130
Final Score Prediction 92-80(Defense wins Championships) and ours was nearly unstoppable last night
$769.23 to win $1,000

Zebra Lose on Freeway

What does this zebra think he is, on Madagascar or something?

Four Adults Arrested inside Chuck E. Cheese for causing riot,, fighting, and possesion of marajuana

(Feb. 18) -- Police in Memphis, Tenn., arrested four people after a fight broke out during a kids' birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant.

It began with a dispute Saturday between two families at a photo booth, police said. A girl waiting in line complained about how long the family in the booth was taking, police and witnesses said.

"My sister and little brother were taking pictures," Juaneka Key told WREG-TV. "The girl said, 'Dang, how long y'all gonna be?'" Key, 18, had come to the restaurant to celebrate her 2-year-old daughter's birthday.

Key's stepfather, Terrence Dickerson, responded by punching the girl in the face, sparking a melee that sent other parents and their children scrambling to get out of the way of the escalating fight, police said.

"Other people [began] jumping in that didn't have nothing to do with the fight," Key told WREG.

Witnesses said Key kicked the girl who had originally complained after she hid under a table.

Police led four people from the restaurant in handcuffs. Key and Dickerson have been charged with with disorderly conduct and inciting a riot. Steven Henderson, Key's boyfriend, and Juanita Hopkins, Key's mother, have been charged with disorderly conduct and possession of marijuana.

So the two year olds mom, moms step-dad,  moms boyfriend, and moms mom all arrested at Chuck E. Cheese.  The only one in this family who didn't get arrested was the two year old.  I understand your dirt poor, I get it I do.  Because we all know if you had money you wouldn't be taking family photos at Chuck E. Cheese.   Also when do you need to get high inside Chuck E Cheese, geeze mom leave your pot at home.  This has to be the first riot ever started at Chuck E. Cheese, other then by 8 year olds in a ball pit

Tiger Woods Press Conference

In his long-awaited first public statement since a car accident led to revelations of his infidelities, Tiger Woods offered a series of apologies to his friends and family, while defending his wife, Elin, against accusations that she caused the accident by attacking him.

But Woods did not say when he will play golf again, other than to mention at the end of the statement that it could be this year.

"Every one of you has good reason to be critical of me," Woods said to the gathering of his personal friends -- but few reporters -- in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. "I want to say to each of you, simply and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in. I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish. People want to know how I could have done these things to my wife, Elin, and to my children. And while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say.

"Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words. It will come from my behavior over time. We have a lot to discuss. However, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us."

Woods mentioned his educational foundation and suggested that it is his highest priority other than his family, although he may have come across as too corporate when he directed part of his apology to the "staff, board of directors and sponsors."

Woods gave few details about the Thanksgiving weekend car crash on his property, but he did insist that it was not caused by his wife abusing him.

"Elin never hit me that night or any night," Woods said. "There has never been an incident of domestic violence in our marriage. Ever."

Ultimately, Woods said, he takes full responsibility for what he did.

"I was unfaithful," Woods said. "I had affairs. I cheated. What I did was not acceptable, and I am the only person to blame."

Woods decried the media attention that has been paid to him in the last three months, and he specifically noted a story linking him to a doctor who has been accused of distributing performance-enhancing drugs.

"Some people have made up things that never happened and said I used performance-enhancing drugs. This is completely and utterly false," Woods said.

Woods asked the media to leave his family alone, and claimed that his young daughter had been followed to nursery school, and he said of the media, "They staked out my wife and they pursued my mom."

Woods also mentioned his religious beliefs, saying, "I was raised a Buddhist and I actively practiced my faith in childhood before I drifted away in recent years."

Although he didn't specifically address reports that he has been living in a sexual addiction rehabilitation clinic, Woods said he has "more treatment and more therapy" ahead.

Woods, who hugged his mother at the end of his statement, said he will play golf again, but he's not sure when.

"I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don't know when that day will be. I don't rule out that it will be this year."

For a statement from Woods on the course, the golf world will have to wait.

Although I did not blog about we've all heard by now, tons of golfers are pissed. They wanted to know why he couldn't wait till Monday for the press conference and accused him of taking away from this weekend tournament. Well Accenture was the first endorsement to drop Tiger after the scandal, and surprisingly enough Accenture is the number one endorsement of todays tournamenet. But what do people watch and talk about, haha TIGER. This is him saying a big FU to Accenture. He said when asked that he needed to adress the media today and it could not wait. He waited three months and said absolutely nothing today, except I don't do roids, leave my mom and baby alone, and I'll golf again. Like who cares?! Come out and tell me your entering the masters you divorced Elin and tell the ladies to look for you on adult friend finder, then I'd be impressed.

Dirty Thought of the Day: Lacey Von Erich

This nobodys became a somebody while she was the ring girl on Hogans world tour. As always click more dirt on the article for more pictures.

Hope You All Followed me to the Riches


Well Hope you all followed me and we're all rich now.   Not as much as a blowout as I would have liked but a win is a win

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Local flavor of the Day: Meghan

Introducing Meghan from SNHU. On such a big night in Boston Sports(Celtics/Lakers) we bring you one of the prettiest of the pretty.

New to Da Big Dirty, want to know what we're all abut? Want to know what Local Flavor of the Day is Click Here

Please send all reccomendations for future Local Flavors of the Day to Da Big Dirty

For the Love of God Celtics let me Win 1200 bucks Tonight

Thats how its done everyone.  Gotta have balls in betting.  883.17 to win 1192.28.  Celts Straight.  Thats how much I trust my $$Ka-Ching$$ Pick of the Day

Pilot Crashes Plane into Building Due to IRS Dispute

AUSTIN, Texas (Feb. 18) -- A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees on Thursday, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.

A U.S. law official identified the pilot as Joseph Stack and said investigators were looking at an anti-government message on the Web linked to him. The Web site outlines problems with the IRS and says violence "is the only answer."

Federal law enforcement officials have said they were investigating whether the pilot, who is presumed to have died in the crash, slammed into the Austin building on purpose in an effort to blow up IRS offices. All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

"Violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer," the long note on Stack's Web site reads, citing past problems with the tax-collecting agency.

This man is my HERO. I always got the IRS on my ass for not claiming something or writing off to much. Like I sit here and blog daily I've made about 2 bucks off the ads on this site and here comes the IRS looking to collect. Like if I could fly a plane damn right I'd crash it into their building. I'd also crash a plan into the building of the people who give out parking tickets.

Guess Those Nips


Maryland to prohibit marriage among First Cousins

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - A Maryland state legislator says it's time to ban marriages between first cousins and stop playing what he calls "genetic roulette" with their offspring.

Henry Heller, a Democratic delegate, or state representative, says he wants to bring Maryland "into the enlightened world of other states such as West Virginia and Arkansas" that already prohibit unions of first cousins.

Heller is a retired special education administrator. He says couples who are first cousins are at an increased risk of having a child with birth defects.

The bill would make an exception for people who are over age 65 or infertile. Heller says he has "no problem" with those couples if they want the companionship.

There are 24 states that prohibit marriage between first-cousins.

There are only 24 states banning this?!  Do people really want to marry their cousins?  I am shocked that in more states then not you can marry your cousin.  As much as im AGAINST cousins marrying each other I find it ironic that a dude can marry a dude in Maryland but a dude can't marry a female cousin.  Maryland must have some sort of problem to make this a law right?  Like I always thought it was one of those un-written rules.  Hell I wouldn't marry my fifth cousin forget about first.

Nate Robinson Acquired by Celtics

I posted this a few hours ago and people told me my sources were weak and the trade was not official.  Well like I told you all my sources are RELIABLE ...

Ian Thomsen, SI.com: "The Celtics have acquired Nate Robinson(notes) and rookie Marcus Landry(notes) from New York in exchange for Eddie House(notes), J.R. Giddens(notes) and Bill Walker(notes), league sources tell SI.com." (2:40 p.m. ET, Feb. 18)

 I may have not mentioned Bill Walker or Marcus Landry, however the rest of the trade was correct and we at Da Big Dirty were the FIRST to report it.  Expect to see Nate in green holding a trophy over his head again come June again

Knicks secure McGrady Guarentee spot for 2011 NBA Title

The New York Knicks have been involved as a third team in the trade previously reported.

New York Knicks Get:
  • Tracy McGrady(Rockets)
  • Sergio Rodriguez(Kings)
  • 2011 Rockets first Round Pick
Sacramento Kings Get:
  • Carl Landry(Rockets)
  • Joey Dorsey(Rockets)
  • Larry Hughes(Knicks)
Houston Rockets Get:
  • Kevin Martin(Kings)
  • Hilton Armstrong(Kings)
  • Jordan Hill(Knicks)
  • Jared Jeffries( Knicks)
  • 2011 Knicks First Round Pick
  • 2012 Knicks First Round Pick
"By trading Hill Hughes and Jeffries the Knicks clear enough salary-cap to potentially allow them to sign two star free agents this summer."(Yahoo)

Well there you have it. Good work Knicks.  Guarenteed 2011 NBA champions

TRADE: Tyrus Thomas to Bobcats

TNT analyst David Aldridge: "The Charlotte Bobcats bolstered their front line significantly just before Thursday's 3 p.m. deadline by acquiring forward Tyrus Thomas from the Chicago Bulls in exchange for guards Flip Murray and Acie Law and a first-round draft pick. The Bobcats beat out both Denver and San Antonio, who had both had significant interest in Thomas. A source says the Nuggets were trying to use guard Renaldo Balkman as part of a package that would ultimately land Thomas, but were unsuccessful.

The Bulls and Bobcats had talked a few weeks ago, but the discussions petered out. But Charlotte, making a playoff push in the east and trying to make the postseason for the first time in franchise history, started the talks back up this week and got the deal done.

Thomas can play either power forward or center for Charlotte. If he plays more power forward, that would allow All-Star Gerald Wallace to move down to his natural small forward position. Either way, Thomas will improve the Bobcats' defense. Charlotte is third in the league in fewest points allowed, but only 12th in rebound differential. Law and Murray are both on expiring deals that will not impact Chicago's ability to go after a max-level free agent this summer.

Well the Bulls sure are rebuilding in a day it looks like.  Looks like their dumping cap for next year as well.


By the looks of it this is what is going on

Sacramento Kings and Houston Rockets Have OFFICIALLY made the following trade

Houston Trades
  • Tracy McGrady
  • Carl Landry
  • Joey Dorsey
Sacramento Trades
  • Kevin Martin
  • Kenny Thomas
  • Hilton Armstrong
  • Sergio Rodriguez
  • CASH

New York Knicks and Boston Celtics following trade OFFICIAL

New York trades
  • Nate Robisnon
Boston trades
  • Eddie House
  • J.R. Giddens

Whats about to go down will be remarkable, but the following is not official
New York Knicks and Sacramento Kings following trade

New York trades
  • Jared Jeffries
  • Larry Hughes 
  • Jordan Hill  
  • First Round Pick
Sacramento trades
  • Tracy McGrady
  • Sergio Rodriguez
  • Cash
Well by the Knicks dumping Jared Jeffries and Larry Hughes next year they will only have 21 million locked up in payer contracts with 11 of that going to Eddy Curry.   Currently the highest paid player in the NBA is Kevin Garnett making about 24 million a season.  By making all these moves the Knicks will theoretically be able to go out and sign Lebron James and Dwayne Wade for what I expect to be 42 milllion.  This would put there total team salary up to 63 million.  Granted they will have to sing some other players and pay the NBA luxury tax if the payroll is over 71.15 million.  with these two on the Knicks  I fully expect them to do what the Celtics did in the 07-08 season by featuring amazing players surrounded by bums(in essence) .  If they make these moves today look for the Knicks to win next years championship hands down.

P.S. I expect the Knicks to be worse then the Nets for the remainder of the season

Bulls Send John Salmons to Bucks for Hakim Warrick and Joe Alexander

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- The Milwaukee Bucks have agreed in principle to a trade that would send forwards Hakim Warrick and Joe Alexander to the Chicago Bulls for guard John Salmons, a person with direct knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press.

The person spoke Thursday and requested anonymity because the deal is not yet complete.
Salmons has played in 51 games for Chicago this season, averaging 12.7 points per game. He is scheduled to make $5.8 million next season if he doesn't opt out of his contract.

The contracts of Warrick and Alexander both expire at the end of the season, potentially freeing up space for the Bulls to bid for marquee free agents in the offseason.

Multiple media outlets reported the possibility of a deal for Salmons on Wednesday night.
Warrick has played in 48 games for Milwaukee this season, averaging 10.2 points and 4.4 rebounds per game. Alexander, whom the Bucks took with the No. 8 overall pick in the 2008 draft, has struggled to make the jump to the NBA and currently is playing for the Fort Wayne Mad Ants of the NBA Development League.

Salmons missed the Bulls' game at New York on Wednesday night and remained at the team hotel -- an indication that a deal was imminent before Thursday afternoon's NBA trade deadline.

"I'm not at liberty to say," Bulls coach Vinny Del Negro said before the game. "I just got a call he's not going to play. He's going to be at the hotel and then I'll find out more after the game just like everybody else."
Warrick said Wednesday night that he was aware of the possibility of a trade to Chicago but wasn't dwelling on it.

"If you worry about that, you definitely won't be able to concentrate on your performance," Warrick said.

IMMEDIATE WINNER:  Milwaukee Bucks-Just last year while Salmons was playing in Sacramento he was one of the Kings best players.  Expect him to step up his game as the Bucks make their playoff run to get the eighth seed

LONG TERM WINNER:  Chicago Bulls-With Salmons getting paid 5.8 million next year this is a great move for the Bulls to dump Salmons contract.  With almost every superstar hitting the market next year the Bulls will be able to go out and buy someone a lot better then Salmons 

NBA Trade Deadline Among Us

As the latest breaking news comes in today well be the first to bring it to you. Please check back throughout the day.

Where will your favorite players end up?

T-Mac to the Knicks or Kings?
Amare to the Cavs?
Nate Robinson to the Celtics?

All this and more as the trade deadline approaches.

Mortal Kombat in full Comeback

Theres just been so much Mortal Kombat going around lately. I was on textfromlastnight searching around from some material and found this the other day.


So, when he came he screamed MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! at the top of his lungs and all of his roomates yelled back FINISH HER!!!!.....yeah kinda akward

$$KA-CHING$$ Pick of the Day

 TAKE THE CELTICS STRAIGHT AT +155.  Are the Celtics really +4?!  Did the lines makers realize Kobe is being a pus and not playing?  Like do people really think Mr. Khloe Kardashian and Pau Gasol have any hope of beating the BIG THREE. The Celtics will win this game by fifteen plus, however expect the Lakers to be up by twelve in the first half.

Woman Shows Up for Conjugal Visit 3 Times Over Legal Limit

BUNNELL, Fla. - A woman was charged with driving under the influence after showing up at the Flagler County jail and demanding a conjugal visit with a specific inmate. The sheriff's office reports that a 45-year-old woman had a visitation appointment but was turned away because she was late. Also, the jail does not allow conjugal visits.

The woman drove away but reportedly returned a short time later. Jail guards called road patrol, because they suspected the woman had been drinking.

Deputies found the woman sitting in her car. She reportedly failed a field sobriety test, and a breath test showed her blood-alcohol content was 0.256 percent. Florida law considers a person impaired at 0.08.

I like how the jail says she had a visitation appointment but they do not allow conjugal visits.  Poor Girl.  She obviously knew she was about to screw a murderer.  If I knew that going in I'd be three times over the legal limit to before it happened.  Like who wants to screw a felon sober?!  Also conjugal visits are probably one of my favorite things on earth.  I have seriously considered robbing a bank and going to jail just so I can get the privilege of conjugal visits.  Like now to get laid I got to wine and dine a girl, put up with all the annoying crap then wake up next to them in the morning and put up with all the B.S. again.  What I would give to have a chick swing by "do my business" and have her go on her way.  You wouldn't even need to talk to her.  Inmates got the life!

Legal Marajuana...For Now

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - There may be nothing like the real thing, but some industrious marijuana users have seized on an obscure but easily accessible substance that mimics the drug's effects on the brain —creating a popular trade in legal dope that has stymied law enforcement authorities.

The users are buying a product known as K2 — or "Spice," Genie" and "Zohai" — that is commonly sold in headshops as incense. Produced in China and Korea, the mixture of herbs and spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Users roll it up in joints or inhale it from pipes, just like the real thing.

Though banned in most of Europe, K2's key ingredients are not regulated in the United States — a gap that has prompted lawmakers in Missouri and Kansas to consider new legislation.

"This isn't Jerry Garcia's marijuana," said state Rep. Jeff Roorda, a Democrat from the eastern Missouri town of Barnhart. "They've used chemicals to avoid creating something that's already illegal."
Authorities in Johnson County, Kan., discovered ex-convicts on probation smoking K2, and said it is spreading to high school students.

"This has become extremely popular," said Linda Weber, owner of The Vise smoke shop in the St. Louis suburb of St. Peters, who said she only sells to adults.

What I get out of this article is STOCK UP NOW.  We all know this is going to be illegal within months so we may as well buy all we can get our hands on now.  When this stuff goes illegal and you have tons you'll be able to sell it for three times the price, sounds like a good business to me.  I do not have any actual facts or evidence to support this but I'm willing to bet it is a lot healthier to smoke marijuana then smoke K2 with chemicals.  Just another reason we should legalize.

Guy Arrested for Beating his Wife on Wedding Night

LEWISTON, Idaho - A marriage got off to a rocky start after the 21-year-old groom from northern Idaho was arrested twice on his wedding night and charged with assaulting his new wife in nearby eastern Washington.
Court records show Nathan Lewis of Lewiston, Idaho, was charged Tuesday in Asotin County Superior Court with second-degree assault and interfering with a report of domestic violence.
The Nez Perce County Sheriff's Office in Idaho says Lewis was married Sunday and later arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct in Lewiston.Wash. The bride told authorities she was slapped and choked during the altercation, the Lewiston Tribune reports.

This bitch clearly held out until they were married and the guy was just looking for some great wedding night sex. Who the hell wants a chick whose just gonna lay there while you do all the work. You got to choke her and smack her around a little bit, i mean CMON its your wedding night!! At least make it interesting

Dirty Thought of the Day: Dawn Olivieri

Todays Dirty Thought of the Day is Dawn Olivieri. Dawn has been seen as one of the girls opening boxes on Deal or No Deal. Dawn is also the cover model for betus.com, and recently gotten a roll on the TV show Heros

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Local Flavor of the Day: Kate

Today we bring you Kate a graduate student from SNHU. As you can see from the pictures Kates age demonstrates prettiness. It shouldn't even be fair for us to put up Grad students as Local flavors of the Day. In any case, as always click on more dirt on the article for more pictures.

New to Da Big Dirty, want to know what we're all abut? Want to know what Local Flavor of the Day is Click Here

Please send all reccomendations for future Local Flavors of the Day to Da Big Dirty

75 Year Old Malden Lady trys to beat robber

DAMN!  I wish this was my grandma!  I would have ran from the store and told the clerk he was on his own.  This lady is looking for anything and everything possible to beat this guy.  Go grams

BREAKING NEWS: Tiger Woods Live Press Conference Friday 11am

MARANA, Ariz. -- Tiger Woods will end nearly three months of silence Friday when he speaks publicly for the first time since his middle-of-the-night car accident sparked stunning revelations of infidelity.
However, his agent said Woods will not take any questions from a small group of media.
"This is not a press conference," Mark Steinberg said Wednesday, adding Woods will speak about his past and what he plans next, along with apologizing for his behavior.
It will be Woods' first public appearance since Nov. 27, when he crashed his SUV into a tree outside his Florida home. Woods' only comments since then have been made through his Web site.
Steinberg said Woods is to speak at 11 a.m. Friday from the clubhouse at the TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., home of the PGA Tour.
"This is all about the next step," Steinberg told The Associated Press. "He's looking forward to it."
He said three wire services would be invited, and he was asking the Golf Writers Association of America to pick a small group of reporters to serve as a pool. Steinberg said there would be one pool camera, but it would be available live via satellite.
The news comes during the Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona, which is sure to steal attention away from the first big event of the year. Accenture was the first sponsor to drop Woods when he became embroiled in a sex scandal.
"It was a matter of timing," Steinberg said.
When asked if Woods' appearance could have waited until after Accenture's tournament, he replied, "No."
Woods has been on an indefinite break from golf and hasn't spoken publicly since crashing his SUV outside his home on Nov. 27, which was followed by media reports detailing extramarital affairs.
"I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart," Woods said in a December posting to his Web site. "I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family."
Woods has 71 PGA Tour victories and 14 major titles.

Well let me tell you how this will go. Tiger will say something along the lines of "I let my family down, I let myself down, and I let my fans down. After careful consideration I have decided to get back into golf, and take the next steps to fix my life." Now let me tell you what this translates to. "I'm a billionaire my wife left me and you damn paparazzi people won't leave me alone. It's time for me to get back on the pony start winning tournaments and finding new sluts to lay the pipe too." Tiger Woods wood, will be controlling his actions for years to come.

P.S- If I'm Tiger I'm banging chick in featured pic as much as possible too

Guess Those Nips


Man Attacks Bob-Cat with Samurai Sword to Save Dog

Who has a samurai sword in their garage, better yet who uses a samurai sword they have in their garage?  Apparently its time for me to get one though.  I still feel like a pitbull could take down a mountain lion.  If I was this "hero" I would have SPRINTED back to my house locked the doors, and said if the dog makes it back he makes it back.

Toronto Raptors Mascott Eats Cheerleader

Did the Toronto Raptors really tell their mascot to eat a cheerleader?  I could see the Nets pulling a stunt like this in front of their 12 fans but the Raptors are actually going to make the playoffs.  This announcer needs to relax a little bit.  The cheerleader obviously new this was planned.  Shes standing around waiting to be eaten, put up a fight.  Its just sad knowing the only reason she probably agreed to this is because shes banging the mascot. 

BREAKING NEWS: Guidette Snooki not actually a guidette

NEWS-'Guidette' Snooki Has Zero Ties to Italy (She's Chilean)
By Zach Dionne Posted Feb 17th 2010 10:48AM
Well, well, well, look who isn't actually Italian. Snooki, alias Nicole Polizzi, aka "The Ultimate Guidette," is actually -- wait for it -- Chilean, her cast-mate Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley revealed during a visit to FOX's 'The Strategy Room' on Tuesday.

"So what does she mean when she says Guidette?" asked the semi-incredulous FOX anchor, Jill Dobson.

J-WOWW's response? "That's a stereotype that people misconstrued with Italians. It's a lifestyle. Like, the scene that we're in. It's not like Italian."

J-WOWW is open about her lack of Italian heritage; she's Spanish and Irish by descent. Snooki is adopted by an Italian family, hence her surname. J-WOWW also revealed that "Ron's not full Italian either," referring to Ronnie Magro.

Wait a second? You put a whole show together based on Italians who aren't Italians. Cmon snooks get it together, born as a Chilean your own parents threw you out. You get adopted by Italians and suddenly your Queen Guidette? If my parents gave me up and I was adopted by African Americans would I be black? Absolutely not. Also Jwow is not Italian either and Ronnies a halfie. I just lost respect for the Jersey Shore. Guess Its time for me to take my Italian Jersey Shore flag off the wall