this news comes on the heals of a recent abcnews/washington post poll the found out that 80% of americans favored medical marijuana.
From NH Common Sense:
Today the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee held its executive session on HB 1652, the bill to tax and regulate marijuana in New Hampshire. To our surprise, the 40-minute debate was not so much over whether or not marijuana should be legalized, regulated, and taxed. Instead, legislators discussed whether or not this bill (which was just introduced this month) should be subjected to further study before being passed by the committee. After some very interesting discussion (viewable here), a motion to recommend that the bill "ought to pass" failed 8-10. Then, a motion to refer the bill for interim study passed 16-2.
Assuming the House agrees with this recommendation of interim study, the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will study the bill more thoroughly this summer, and it will issue recommendations for the following legislative session by November.
Assuming the House agrees with this recommendation of interim study, the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will study the bill more thoroughly this summer, and it will issue recommendations for the following legislative session by November.
Hopefully this gets a favorable recommendation from the committee....call your local congressperson and urge support of HB 1652
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