PALM HARBOR — By pedal boat and bicycle, a fleeing burglar clad only in boxer shorts couldn't get away quite fast enough, authorities say.
Pinellas County sheriff's deputies arrested Christopher L. Schaumburger on Monday morning 200 yards offshore in Lake Tarpon after witnesses said he burglarized two homes on the 3000 block of Marian Drive.
"We've had suspects try to jump in the water before, but never before have I seen a pedal boat used as a means of escape," said sheriff's spokesman Thomas Nestor, who has more than 23 years in law enforcement.
The Sheriff's Office says Schaumburger, 20, first broke into the home of Mary Vogelsberg, who heard breaking glass around 9 a.m. and found a pair of sunglasses on her windowsill.
So let me get this right its 9am in the morning this kids runnin around in his boxers robbing two houses leaving his sunglasses at one then hopping into a paddle boat on a lake? Followers please note if you want to correctly rob a house in Tampa you wear a black mask black suit go in at night. Now Tampas on the gulf so you pick one of those houses. Not one on a lake. Then you hop into someones yacht and head to Mexico. What was this kid thinking?! His girl clearly kicked him out kept the clothes and he didnt want to walk home naked at 9am so he was trying to rob the neighbors clothes. Saw cops got scared and took the paddle boat out on the lake to stall a little bit
Also always run a lot easier then paddling for your life
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